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Beverly and Tom have been professional counselors for over 40 years. They own and operate Rodgers Christian Counseling and the Institute for Soul Healing Love in Charlotte, North Carolina. Both have their PhD’s in Clinical Counseling. Dr. Bev is an LMFT and LMFTS and has a Masters Degree in Marital and Family Therapy and Dr. Tom is an LPC has a Masters Degree in Human Development. Together they have written 4 books: Soul Healing Love:, Adult Children of Divorced Parents, The Singlehood Phenomenon: Ten Brutally Honest Reasons Singles Aren’t Getting Married, Adult Children of Divorced Parents Making Your Parents Work, Becoming a Family That Heal and Tech-Pecked or Tuned In Relationship Survival in the Digital Age. They have appeared on the shows — A Time for Hope, His Side Her Side, The American Family, and NBC Nightside, Marriage Uncensored and Charlotte Today and have been featured speakers on NPR, Focus on the Family and the BBC. Together they facilitate relationship workshops for couples and singles across the globe. They have been married for over 40 years and have two grown daughters and 4 grandchildren.

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