Intentional Dating is a balance between the marriage-focused courtship of the past, and the casual recreational dating of the present.
Characteristics of Intentional Dating
- • It is not driven by sex it is driven by God
- • Family and friends provided input
- • Intentional daters have a deliberate conscious mindset about dating and mating.
- • They are Healthy—“They know who they are, they like who they are and they are who they are.”
- • They are Conscious—They have done a solid self-examination.
- • Men are functional, adult, and can lead their families with integrity.
- • Intentional daters are Courageous –They face their fear of rejection
- • Integrity of Intentions—They speak the truth and do not play games.
- • Respectful— They don’t view dating as a way to make conquests or a means to an end. They value whom they date as they value themselves.
- • Authentic-— They are real.
- • They avoid unhealthy hanging out and hooking up by being sincere, truthful, and honorable.
Taken from the book The Singlehood Phenomenon (NavPress)
By Drs. Beverly and Tom Rodgers
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