Couples In Counseling


Couples One-to-One Weekend Intensives

Who Should Attend?
What is Couples One-to-One Weekend Intensive?
This is a very powerful weekend format to help couples share their own specific issues and have the benefit of the focused attention on your marriage relationship. We will tailor make your treatment for your own specific issues. The sustained time of 3 days and 15 hours allows couples to get to the root of the deep hurts and soul wounds that can be damaging to their marriage and allow time for spiritual, emotional and relational healing to occur.
Why are these weekends so effective?

SHL Couples Workshop Experience

When: Starting March 1

Dates for LIVE Q&A: Every Thursday from 6:00-7:30P via Zoom.

  • March 17
  • March 24
  • March 31
  • April 7
  • April 14

Who: Calling all married couples

What: Soul Healing Love Couples Experience that will teach you how to communicate, learn what your soul wounds are, and grow together as a couple.

Each week, Drs. Bev and Tom Rodgers will go LIVE with our attendees to walk you through each course and give you time to ask any questions you might have about the course.

How does it work? Every couple will go online and take one course each week followed by a LIVE teaching and summary of the course with the Rodgers on Thursday from 6:00-7:30P

How do I register? To register for this event, you will need to purchase the course on our website. Once you have purchased the course, we will send you a confirmation email and more information about the event. 

How much is it? Regular $500 now $397 

Schedule your appointment today

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